Spread the Word, Not the Virus

Three Facts to Consider

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 4/1/2020

Americans have faced many crises such as wars, disasters and 9/11 to name a few.  One of the hallmarks of the American spirit is the generosity and caring for others that comes to the forefront during times of national need.  Americans are resilient and we mobilize to solve problems.  It’s who we are and it’s...


How Risky is Marijuana?

Hint: Extremely.

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 3/21/2020

People today have the perception that Marijuana is not harmful, and this has led to its legalization for medical and recreational purposes in many states. Most people think that it’s no worse than alcohol and tobacco in general. But the facts are now showing the real risk of regular marijuana use; especially for youth, who...


Testing Hot

When a Loved One is Addicted

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 12/30/2019

I just got off the phone with a mother whose twenty-five-year-old son has relapsed; he just tested “hot” for opioids. The more I listened the more my heart grew heavy for her and her situation. She is beside herself to say the least. He is being admitted into drug treatment center for his substance use...


Get in the Way

What Does "Get in the Way" Mean?

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 12/30/2019

Maybe you have seen the Way Out West Coalition’s Get in the Way materials throughout the city and in this magazine. But what does Get in the Way actually mean? The teen brain focuses on risk and excitement. Our job as parents, grandparents, and caring adults is to Get in the Way or foil a...


Vaping and Marijuana Oils

The Vaping Crisis

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 9/16/2019

There is a rapidly growing vaping crisis highlighted by 450 illnesses and four deaths as a result of the use of e-cigarettes. Most consumers have viewed e-cigarettes and vaping marijuana oils as harmless, but health officials are now warning the public to cease the use of e-cigarettes. Especially vulnerable are youth who are attracted to...


Opioid Crisis Update

Facts You Need to Know

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 9/10/2019

Physical pain has a tremendous impact on the lives of millions of Americans, many of whom have been prescribed opioids to relieve their suffering. However, we now know these pain relievers are highly addictive; so much so that we now find ourselves in an “opioid crisis.” Reducing youth access to these prescription medications is important...


Reducing Back-to-School Stress

Developing Systems

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 8/22/2019

With a new school year beginning, what words tend to bring chaos, stress and drama? If you said, “mornings”, “kids” and “getting ready for school” – you nailed it. Fact is, the new school year is the perfect opportunity for a fresh start and integrating new behaviors into the family lifestyle that will reduce a...


Now Trending Among Teens

The Effects of Electronic Cigarettes

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 1/18/2019

Here is a trend to “be in the know” about, especially if you are a parent, grandparent or someone who has an invested interest in kids. It’s the widely popular trend of teen vaping. It has become an epidemic in the US and teens are being marketed with the flavors and discreet devices called Electronic...


Going for Success

A Fresh Start

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 1/8/2019

This is the time of year we go for the fresh start. It has been part of our western culture as a tradition for more than 200 years in its present form. Most Americans focus on self-improvement and that improvement comes in the form of New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, another year has come and gone...


Three Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude

Author: Larry Tracey

Posted on 11/21/2018

Ever wonder why some people are generally happy? The answer may lay in one-word, gratitude. People with an “attitude of gratitude” seem to be upbeat, positive and energized. Here are just a few benefits of being grateful: Improves our physical and psychological health Increases our energy, quality of sleep and mental strength Reduces negative emotions such...