What quote motivates you the most? We as humans are aspirational by nature and many quotes appeal directly to our nature, helping us see something in ourselves we want to change. Quotes serve as a reminder about who we want to become. We have what we call thought habits; habitual ways of thinking that allows...

Knowledge is Power: A Must Read for Every Parent
Here’s a quick overview – Make sure you view the two video links below (2 and 3 minutes each) with substance abuse expert Mike Gimble. A Juul is a tiny device, resembling a flash drive. It can be easily hidden among school supplies or concealed in pockets and backpacks. It is USB chargeable, simple to use...

Have You Seen the Hand I’m sure you’ve heard about the Opioid epidemic. Yes, it’s real and teens and adults are dying in Buckeye as a result. The truth is there have been teen deaths related to opioids and prescription drugs in our area but we do not hear about it because they are minors....

Get in the Way Tip #2 – Part 1
Fact: If a teen does adolescence well, adulthood gets much easier. You’ve gotten your kids this far in life and regardless of how we got to this point or how well we’ve done, it’s time to finish what we started. Today’s Tip: Finish Strong This is an exciting time for our teens where they experience...

So who has the most influence on a teen’s choice to use drugs or alcohol? The answer: parents and peers. I mention peers just momentarily, as we’ll talk about the “peer factor” in an upcoming segment. But for now, who your kids hang with or associate with should be important to you. Numerous studies on...

We are debuting the Get in the Way Video Series where we share quick tips to make life easier, and more successful and fun for everyone. We can get in the way of disrespect, bullying, failure and of suicide to mention a few. However, this particular Get in the Way Series focuses on preventing underage...

Statistics and Signs of Underage Alcohol Use
Today’s focus is on the dangers of alcohol and how you can recognize the signs of underage drinking. Our goal at WOW is never to use scare tactics to motivate adults and teenagers, rather, we prefer to stick with statistics. So, what are the dangers of underage drinking? According to the National Institutes of Health,...

It’s a fair question; but what’s the context? Is what working? Today, we ask that question about the Drug Take-Back events, and here’s our answer, straight from the Phoenix branch of the DEA: The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Phoenix Field Division finalized the collection and tally of prescription drugs turned in this past Saturday...

The Way Out West Coalition has a great relationship with law enforcement and many in city government. Part of the benefits is our ability hear from those who are on the front lines dealing with alcohol and substance use. The following blog entry is from one such officer, an SRO in Buckeye’s schools. What follows...

What’s New In Brain Science and Addiction?
Every once in a while, we like to reblog moving or important blogs. Here’s one from NIDA concerning a new study that’s being done right now. Although it will take some time for it to be completed, the results should be far reaching. Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse; National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department...