Buckeye PD had a successful Prescription Drug Take-Back event Saturday (April 29). According to the department, they received “32 lbs. of old, expired, and no longer needed drugs at the collection point.”
Did you know the Buckeye Police Department has a permanent Rx Drug Drop-Off box in the Police Department lobby on Yuma Rd.? The BPD collects an average of 36 lbs. of old, expired or no longer needed drugs every month.
For location address and hours click here: https://www.wayoutwestcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/prescription-drop-off-box120715-1.pdf
For quick information on how to handle leftover medication click here:
Thank you Buckeye for caring for our youth and doing what we can to keep Rx Drugs out of the hands of those who might misuse or abuse them.