We are completing our Community Views Survey (CVS), and we need your help! This is your chance to let us know where to focus our efforts to continue making a positive impact on the future of our youth. Our focus is underage drinking, reducing teen marijuana use, and prescription drug abuse in our community. We have expanded our focus to include vaping, fentanyl, opioids, and meth.

In the COVID-19 era, this is the safest way we can measure our progress.

Please take a few minutes to complete the CVS using the link below. This survey is anonymous and will not require any personal data to complete. If you will, please fill out the general demographic information at the end. This will help us aid youth in reaching their potential.


Keep an eye out for our next CVS series link soon, thank you!

Paid for in part under grant #SP080144 from the ONDCP & SAMHSA.